Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Blog, Old Motto

Well it's a brand new year, 2011.  I attempted to blog last year but ran into a few speedbumps so I am now attempting again.   It's difficult being a throwback to the '70s, wishing I was a housewife of the '50s, and trying to catch up to all of this unbelieveable technology in a whole different millinium from the times I cling to. 
I love being an at-home-mom to my two beautiful daughters who are the loves of my life.  I always wanted to be a mom.  It's the one thing I was always, ever sure of.  I strive to be as gracious, and loving of a wife as I am of a mother.  I like to dote on my whole family, especially my husband.  He works very hard so that I can be there for the girls 101%.  I am very grateful for him, he was when I met him, and still is my soul mate and my knight in shining armour.  
We've had some hard times, illness, aging aches, the loss of a beautiful baby son.  However we have clung to each other during these almost 12 years of marriage.  I consider our family motto to be this : Nothing is more important than our love for each other.  I say it when the day to day annoyances sometimes make me want to run for the hills.  I say it when we are tempted to be petty and hurtful to each other.  I say it because it is the truth, there is nothing I want more in this world than my husband's and children's love.  And if I hold onto that like my rock,  then our marriage and our family can be successful.  I really believe this. Thank you God, for strength, faithfullness, and optimism.  I appreaciates these talents you gave me, and the many blessings of this family.

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